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Green Party Membership 101

How to leverage your membership and save the world!

Who does what and where?

Click here for a cute video refresher on levels of government.

Green Party of Canada - GPC (Federal)
Green Party of Ontario - GPO (Provincial)
Electoral District Associations (EDAs)
Constituency Associations (CAs)
Select candidates to run for election as a Member of Parliament (MP)
Select candidates to run for election as a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP)

What do members do?

Members Only
1. Elect party leadership: Leader, Federal Council, local EDA executive.
2. Advise the leadership.
3. Define party policy: how the party is run and how we would run the country if elected.
4. Participate in local activities: promotion and social media, election and issue campaign volunteering, fundraising.
5. Donate.

1. Elect party leadership.

The members elect the Party Leader and the Federal Council. The Federal Council and the Party Leader then appoint the Shadow Cabinet.
Federal Council
  • Leader
  • President
  • Vice President - English
  • Vice President - French
  • Fund Representative
  • Provincial and Territorial Representatives (11)
  • Young Green Representatives (2)
  • Executive Director
  • Deputy Leader
  • Former Leader
  • Caucus Representatives

2. Advise the leadership.

  1. Contact information for the people above can be found here.
  2. Contact the Toronto-St Paul's local EDA here.
  3. Let them know:
    1. Opportunities you see for the Green party.​
    2. Questions you have.
    3. Questions you get from other people.
  4. Set up a profile for members-only information from the GPC here.

3. Define the party's policy.

There are four stages from conception to approval:
  1. Submission of proposals: These required 5-15 endorsers. Must consult the Policy Process Committee to improve clarity. Shadow Cabinet advises and comments. Detailed procedures and deadlines are on the GPC website under "Grassroots Policy".
  2. Online prioritisation vote: Members determine which proposals will be discussed at the Bi-annual General Meeting (BGM).
  3. Convention: The 15 proposals with the most prioritisation votes, plus accepted general meeting emergency proposals, will be the only proposals which are considered at the BGM.
  4. Post-Convention Final Vote: After the BGM, all proposals go to the members for a final online vote. The winning proposals become Green Party policy.

4. Participate in local activities.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of any EDA/CA. We need your help to get our local c. Volunteers help with recruiting, calling supporters, fundraising, distributing signs, advertising, and so much more. Our EDA has monthly meetings and a Slack channel. Come join us! Check out our events here and contact us here to get involved.
Another great way to get involved is to join our Social Media Team. The Social Media Team helps by creating content and boosting our social media posts by sharing, liking and commenting. Contact us at the link above to find out more.

5. Donate.

Every donation counts. Signs, web hosting, event spacing booking, and so on, all require funding. Local EDAs pay for their expenses with local donations. If you want to make a donation that's earmarked for the Toronto-St Pauls riding specifically, donate here.

How can I stay informed?

Get in touch with us to ask about our mailing list or check out our social media here.

So, how do I help?

  • Focus on getting your local candidate elected.
  • Participate as much as you can.
  • Talk to an EDA Executive about where your talents and time can fit in.

Let's make a diference, together.

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