Meet our team
Meet Our Team
Anne-Marie Cole - Green Party of Canada CEO
John Weston - Green Party of Ontario President
Adam Deutsch - Financial Agent
Bill Pegg - Chief Financial Officer
Jaden Braves - Youth lead
Christian Cullis
Christian has been a dedicated Green member since 2015 when he was inspired by Green advocates as a political science student at McMaster University. Christian has served as constituent coordinator for Ward 11 city councillor Dianne Saxe, former Green Party of Ontario deputy leader, managing communications and outreach strategy while advocating for sustainability.
Christian is passionate about creating a sustainable future for our children. Since January, Christian has collaborated with St. Paul's activists to build ties across Toronto for the Toronto-St. Paul's by-election. He believes this is a unique moment to take a stand. The Green Party of Canada is Christian's first and only choice, and he is excited to convince mid-town residents to make it theirs too.